Frequently asked questions

Is there a listing fee?

There is no listing fee. You can list as many units as you like.

Can you arrange transportation and pick up?

We can arrange transportation and pick up. Please consult with us after business negotiations are completed.

Can I sell more than just tractors?

Yes, you can sell used agricultural equipment, used construction equipment, and non-tractors. Click here to contact us.

Can I sell my own tractor?

Yes, you can. Once you register as a member, you will need to pass our screening process upon registration.

I don't know the market price for overseas sales...

After logging in, you will be able to see the reference selling price on the member page. Please refer to that price.

Is it more profitable to sell to a domestic exporter, at a domestic online auction, or at REM GLOBAL?

REM GLOBAL will handle all transactions with overseas buyers. Since REM GLOBAL will also collect the payment, there is no risk of our members not getting paid.

I'm worried about collecting payment from overseas buyers.

Most domestic exporters purchase from individuals, agricultural machinery stores, or domestic purchasers and then sell those products overseas. Selling through REM GLOBAL reduces the intermediate cost. If your products are suitable for export overseas, you are more likely to earn a larger profit by selling them through REM GLOBAL.

I'm worried about the exchange rate risk of selling to overseas.

All sales are processed in Japanese yen. Please contact us to see about other possibilities.